About Brigade

The ultimate connection for the blue-collar community

The trades often face a persistent problem: finding reliable and skilled workers.

Brigade solves this by being an online and in-app job platform connecting business owners to experienced laborers needed for quality projects.

It’s a win-win situation—owners get reliable staff, and qualified tradespeople find jobs where they’re valued.

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Brigade is built by tradespeople for tradespeople.

We’ve been in your shoes, have the calluses to show for it, and have struggled with either finding solid work in the trades based on experience or needing reliable help while juggling day-to-day operations and hiring.

The Job Search and Hiring Grind Stops Here.

Brigade is the bridge between quality craftsmanship and reliable work.

Brigade Hiring Platform
Download the Brigade App on Google Play
Download the Brigade App from the App Store

Meet Our Founder

Ginger Schmidt, grew up in the trades, is a certified welder, worked in construction, and has owned an auto body shop since 2017.

While struggling to find reliable help with day-to-day operations and hiring and also searching for top-notch trades jobs that matched her wide-ranging skills before setting up her own shop, Ginger noticed a real gap in the trades business that needed to be solved.

It’s exactly why she founded Brigade.

Skilled Labor. Skilled Results. Skilled Brigade.

Brigade has the experience and the network to connect skilled workers with businesses that need them.

We are the bridge between quality craftsmanship and reliable work.

For Employers

We know you're fed up with the hassle of finding reliable skilled workers who get the job right.

Brigade connects you with top-notch blue-collar talent, saving you time, money and a lot of headaches.

No more settling for less--get the crew you need, when you need them.

Skilled Trades Jobseekers

We see you. You're tired of gigs that don't pay what you deserve and employers who don't respect your craft.

With Brigade, you'll find jobs that value your hard-earned skills and offer fair compensation.

No more chasing the next paycheck--land solid work with employers who get it.

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What Trades workers &  Business Owners are Saying

“After searching different job apps and being unsuccessful finding a job in my desired trade, Brigade Jobs made it easy and convenient to find what I was looking for. After 4 hours I got 2 call backs for an interview and I can gladly say I am now employed all thanks to Brigade Jobs -That1Guera

"As an employer - it's always challenging to find great talent to join our team who's professional & delivers phenomenal client service. Brigade helps streamline the process and gets the best talent for our business and project needs. Highly recommend!" -pandachina2

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1. Create Your Profile

As a business owner, sign up and post your job requirements.

As a job seeker, create your profile and list your skills.

2. Connect with Tradespeople

Connect with skilled tradespeople looking for work and browse job listings that match your expertise

3. Grow Your Business and Career

Hire the right staff or land a job that values your craft

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More to explore

Brigade is a job platform for the blue-collar trades community that connects business owners with the experienced labor they need and skilled tradespeople with employers who value them.